Opening of 2017 Reporting Period

Today, we opened the 2017 records management reporting period. Agencies will have until March 16, 2018 to submit the following three reports:

  1. Records Management Self-Assessment (RMSA): The annual RMSA asks questions that assess compliance with records management statutes and regulations as well as NARA policies and guidance. The survey link was sent today via email to Agency Records Officers and those designated to respond to the RMSA. After completing the assessment, agencies will have access to their results. Questions about the RMSA may be sent to
  2. Federal Email Management Reporting: This survey is designed to evaluate how well Federal agencies are managing their email records according to the Criteria for Managing Email Records in Compliance with the Managing Government Records Directive (M-12-18). The survey link was sent today via email to Agency Records Officers and those designated to respond to the email survey. Questions about the email survey may be sent to
  3. Senior Agency Official for Records Management (SAORM) Annual Report: This report gathers data on agency progress towards the goals of the Directive and other important records management initiatives as identified by NARA. The template was emailed to SAORMs today. Questions about the SAORM report can be sent to

We will post the SAORM and Federal Email Management Reports to our website as we receive them. We’ve also posted previous year’s RMSA, Email Management, and SAORM reports. For FY16, NARA produced a combined analysis of all three reports.