Open Government: 2015 Senior Agency Official (SAO) Reports

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This week is Sunshine Week – the time of year when we celebrate openness and transparency in the Government. Towards that goal, NARA has committed to  posting the 2015 Senior Agency Official for Records Management (SAO) reports online. It is our expectation that we will have every agency’s report available on our web site. On a related note, we are starting to work on NARA’s 2016-2018 Open Government plan. We welcome contributions from the public on the plan and all of our open government efforts.

Posting the SAO reports promotes transparency, efficiency, and accountability in the Federal records management community. SAOs and agency records officers can learn about other agencies’ ongoing efforts and practices. We hope this will improve information sharing and collaboration among agencies as they work to transition to a digital government.

The 2015 SAO report asked about agency progress in five specific areas:

  1. Will they meet the target of managing their email electronically by the end of 2016?
  2. Will they meet the target of managing permanent records electronically by the end of 2019?
  3. Have they taken actions to ensure records in non-official messaging accounts are captured in an official account within 20 days?
  4. Will they have records schedules submitted to NARA for all permanent paper and other non-electronic records by the end of 2016?
  5. Are they prepared for the upcoming Presidential transition?

SAO Report Results

We are pleased to see largely positive responses to these questions. We thank agencies for submitting these reports and urge them to continue making strides to meet all the requirements of the Managing Government Records Directive.

If there are any questions regarding the reports, please leave a comment or contact  

Click here to review 2015 SAO Reports:

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