We have all been working hard on putting together a great RACO program for this year’s event on May 12. We’ve already announced our keynote speaker will be Cass R. Sunstein, Administrator of the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs at OMB. The rest of the program is coming together as well. We are planning sessions on the records management issues and challenges presented by the Open Government directive, a session on accountability and oversight, as well as a session that will focus on the data.gov efforts.
However, we know that’s not all there is to RACO. We also try to provide you with something to use on a daily basis that will remind you of RACO and the great content in our sessions. Yes, we’re talking about the famous RACO bags.

One more item. Every year, the RACO team holds a contest to award a small prize to the staff member that comes up with the most creative way to express the RACO theme.

So that’s our update. By now, you should all be looking forward to this year’s RACO. What, you have not registered yet? No worries, registration is open until the end of the month. For additional information, click here.