Starting on Friday afternoon, we will be updating the content on our records management web page, located at These updates will be completed by Monday morning, October 15th.
We have been looking at our records management web page and how our information is organized. We analyzed how users are interacting with the site, including what links users click on and what searches users run. With this information, we reorganized our main page and made content more accessible to users. We also have been removing some duplicated and out-of-date content.
We hope the updates to our website will help you better navigate and find the information you are looking for. If you have any comments or suggestions for continued improvement, please complete the survey tool associated with the web pages at Contact us with questions or comments or email
In addition to reorganizing our pages, we have added some new content with the Guide to the Inventory, Scheduling, and Disposition of Federal Records. This new guide provides current guidance and links in the areas of records inventory, scheduling, and disposition. The guide is an updated version of the classic NARA records management publication, Disposition of Federal Records: A Records Management Handbook, originally published in 1997. Because this is a dynamic resource, it is only available electronically — NARA is not publishing a hard copy version.
We encourage everyone to read through the guide and use it when carrying out records operations. We hope the guide will be a resource to better understand the scheduling process and helps agencies develop schedules which more accurately and completely describe their records. This, in turn, allows for a more straightforward — and often quicker — review of schedules by NARA. If you have any questions, suggestions, or comments about the guide, please contact JP Schmidt at
On the old page there was a link to the FRCs…the only way I can find the link is to click on the ARCIS portal page…it should be somewhere on the main page. Keep up the good work!