We are requesting comments on the draft Use Cases for Social Media as part of our Federal Electronic Records Modernization Initiative (FERMI). Through FERMI, we have been working to improve the way agencies acquire ERM services and solutions. The Use Cases are a part of the Electronic Records Management Federal Integrated Business Framework (ERM-FIBF) and can serve as a starting point for agencies when seeking to procure services or solutions to manage electronic records. They can be used by agencies to demonstrate how vendors perform the described requirements and workflows.
We shared the draft Use Cases for Electronic Messages previously and we welcome participation in the continued development of the Use Cases. Please share widely so we can hear feedback from a variety of stakeholders. You can comment here or email RMPolicy@nara.gov with any questions or comments for consideration by July 19, 2019. We will review all the comments we receive.
We developed the ERM-FIBF according to standards set out in the Federal Integrated Business Framework (FIBF) developed by GSA’s Unified Shared Services Management (USSM) office. The FIBF serves as a model to help the Federal government better coordinate and document common business needs, improve processes and performance, and drive economies of scale. With the development of the ERM-FIBF, NARA hopes to ensure records management requirements conform to the FIBF and are addressed in all Federal Standards Areas.
The Use Cases are written from a high-level perspective and are intended to cover all types of social media. We intend for agencies to use the use cases to demonstrate how vendors and service providers meet the requirements for managing social media. The scenarios reflect an ideal flow of events and do not have to be accomplished in the exact way they are outlined in the Use Cases. The goal is to meet the requirements.