We are pleased to announce the posting of the Standard Data Elements for Electronic Records Management! We first shared drafts of the data elements on Records Express in January 2021. Thank you for all of your feedback.
We created the Standard Data Elements as part of our Federal Electronic Records Modernization Initiative (FERMI). Through FERMI, we have been working to improve the way agencies acquire ERM services and solutions. The Standard Data Elements are a part of the Electronic Records Management Federal Integrated Business Framework (ERM-FIBF) and represent the minimum data elements needed for vendors and service providers to manage agency records. The Standard Data Elements are intended to cover all types of electronic records. We intend for agencies to use the Standard Data Elements as a starting point to add additional elements needed to manage records throughout the lifecycle.
We are developing the ERM-FIBF according to standards set out in the Federal Integrated Business Framework (FIBF) developed by GSA’s Office of Shared Solutions and Performance Improvement (OSSPI). The FIBF serves as a model to help the Federal government better coordinate and document common business needs, improve processes and performance, and drive economies of scale across Federal mission support functions. With the development of the ERM-FIBF, NARA hopes to ensure records management requirements conform to the FIBF and are addressed in all shared services across the government.
Please comment here or email rmpolicy@nara.gov with any questions.