Transition Post 1: General Overview and Records Management Resources

In preparation for the 2024 Transition, we will be sharing a series of posts on records management best practices for officials entering and exiting federal service. Every four years the Government enters a time of transition for senior staff across agencies. 

Tour of White House
1976, November 22 – Rose Garden – The White House – Washington, DC – Gerald R. Ford, Jimmy Carter; Secret Service, Others – Ford and Carter walking across lawn; moving toward camera; others walking in background – Arrival of President-Elect Jimmy Carter & Mrs. Carter for Tour of White House

NARA supports federal agencies by working with the General Services Administration (GSA). GSA is the federal agency managing this transition from the Government’s side. They maintain the Presidential Transition Directory, connecting presidential transition teams with information and resources. Our staff worked with GSA to ensure records management guidance has been updated and incorporated into the Transition Directory. This is the first presidential transition under the terms of the 2022 Presidential Transition Improvement Act.

We see this time of change as an opportunity to bring attention to the challenges that arise with any staff transition. We are providing federal agencies with tools to ensure both incoming and outgoing political appointees are made aware of their records management responsibilities as provided by the Federal Records Act, NARA regulation and policy, and their own agency policies.

The Office of the Chief Records Officer has developed resources for federal agencies in the Presidential Transition: 

As a reminder, the Federal Records Act does not apply to Presidential records created under the Presidential Records Act. Presidential records are managed separately from Federal records. Questions related to determining whether or not documentary materials are Presidential records should be referred to the White House Counsel.

Additional Resources

In addition to transition resources offered by NARA, GSA, and other federal agencies, the Partnership for Public Service (PPS) Center for Presidential Transition provides resources and assistance to candidates’ transition teams and federal agencies. The PPS site also includes information related to activities agencies undertake to prepare for transition, and information for the general public on the transition process.