Updated Transfer Guidance Tables

SGT. Celestine Gates, a command and control specialist, updates a transparent fighter aircraft status board at the Elmendorf Operations center. The center is participating in exercise Brim Frost ’81 NAID: 6347244

This post is to share that we have recently made several updates to our transfer guidance tables to help agencies manage their electronic records. The changes include support for PDF Collections and the SEG-Y seismic data formats; instructions for the proper application of optical character recognition (OCR) technology to digitized permanent records.

PDF Collections
This update adds transfer instructions for PDF collections. PDF collections, commonly known as PDF Portfolios, are a special type of PDF file that allows additional files to be embedded in a way similar to attaching files to an email message. This can be useful for keeping related documents together. For example, all of the documents related to a court case or other investigation can be kept together in a single PDF without converting them from their original formats. PDF collections are also conventional PDF files and can include pages of text, scanned text, forms, or any other features supported by the PDF format.

As they facilitate distribution of potentially large and diverse sets of content, collections also elevate the risk that personally identifiable information (PII) or other sensitive information could inadvertently be made public if contained in an embedded file. The transfer guidance for PDF Collections includes instructions to mitigate that risk and to assist NARA in establishing intellectual control of records of this type.

Seismic Data
To support agencies with seismic data records, this update includes instructions for transferring them in the SEG-Y format. Seismic data formats capture data traces of seismic responses at specific surface recording locations. SEG-Y was originally developed by the Society of Exploration Geophysicists as a format to support the interchange of data between systems. Transfers of seismic data in the SEG-Y format should include metadata and support documentation needed to understand the records. Examples of associated files and support documentation that should be included with transfers include: Load Sheets, Observer’s Reports, Readme files, and Velocity Files.

Digital Moving Images
To remain consistent with NARA’s digitization and motion picture preservation labs, this update adds AVIF as a preferred format for Digital Video, updates the DPX digital cinema format to the latest version and updates the hyperlink to NARA’s Products and Services page.

Optical Character Recognition
Optical Character Recognition (OCR) technology can make digitized typed, printed, and even hand-written documents searchable by analyzing the image and creating a layer of machine-readable text. NARA does not require agencies to perform OCR when digitizing their records. For agencies that choose to use OCR, this update includes instructions relating to the appropriate use of this technology when digitizing permanent records that will be transferred to NARA.

File format requirements are essential to ensuring the preservation and long-term access of digitized records. Agencies must use the file formats and compression codecs specified in NARA Bulletin 2014-04 to comply with the required standards for preservation and long-term access. By following these requirements, agencies can ensure that their records will remain accessible and usable for future generations.

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