We are pleased to announce the issuance of NARA Bulletin 2015-02, Guidance on Managing Electronic Messages. This Bulletin applies to text messaging, chat/instant messaging, messaging functionality in social media tools or apps, voice messaging, and similar forms of electronic messaging systems. The Bulletin addresses the new definition for electronic messages and other issues covered in … Continue reading Release of NARA Bulletin 2015-02: Guidance on Managing Electronic Messages
Author: US National Archives
Release of NARA Bulletin 2015-01
NARA is pleased to announce that we have issued NARA Bulletin 2015-01, Determining the Appropriate Age for Scheduling the Legal Transfer of Permanent Records to the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA). This Bulletin clarifies the appropriate age at which permanent records, regardless of their media or format, should be transferred into NARA’s legal custody. … Continue reading Release of NARA Bulletin 2015-01
Open Source Tools for Records Management Report Released
We are pleased to announce the release of a report on open source tools for records management. This report was produced in response to item A3.2 in the Managing Government Records Directive (M-12-18) and is available here. This item actively encourages NARA to work with agencies to review and identify open source tools for records … Continue reading Open Source Tools for Records Management Report Released
Automated Electronic Records Management Plan Portal
We have launched a new portal to share information about our ongoing work on the Automated Electronic Records Management Plan. The portal displays a table corresponding to the three parts of the framework in the plan: governance, procurement, and technology. We will post on our ongoing projects to the portal. All of these projects demonstrate … Continue reading Automated Electronic Records Management Plan Portal
Review and Comment on Draft Report on Open Source Tools for Records Management
We are requesting comments on a draft of an upcoming report on open source tools for records management. This report was produced in response to item A3.2 in the Managing Government Records Directive (M-12-18). This item actively encourages us to work with agencies to review and identify open source tools for records management tasks. To … Continue reading Review and Comment on Draft Report on Open Source Tools for Records Management
Upcoming ERA Boot Camp
We will host an Electronic Records Archives (ERA) Boot Camp January 14, 2015 at Archives 1. The ERA Boot Camp will consist of a morning and an afternoon session: In the morning session, 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM, participants will learn how to complete ERA records scheduling tasks. In the afternoon session, 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM, participants … Continue reading Upcoming ERA Boot Camp
Managing Records in Mobile Environments: Addressing Records Management Implications
In this third and final post on mobile environments, the Records Management Policy Team will look at some ways Federal agencies can address the implications for managing records in a mobile environment. The steps that agencies can take to address security concerns have been well-covered in the many articles, vendor advertisements, and white papers on … Continue reading Managing Records in Mobile Environments: Addressing Records Management Implications
Managing Records in Mobile Environments: Records Management Implications
In our first post, the Records Management Policy Team explored a bit of the current environment for mobile work in the Federal government and the reality that employees are using their mobile devices to conduct agency business. In this second post, we will review the risks and records management considerations for Federal agencies. When Federal employees … Continue reading Managing Records in Mobile Environments: Records Management Implications
Managing Records in Mobile Environments: Background and Benefits
The following blog post reflects the thoughts of NARA’s Records Management Policy Team on the topic of managing records in a mobile environment. We will explore the benefits, records management implications, and best practices that have emerged to address these challenges in a series of three blog posts. The team is not at the point … Continue reading Managing Records in Mobile Environments: Background and Benefits