Expiration Date Bulletin Released

We have released NARA Bulletin 2016-01: Guidance on NARA Bulletin Expiration Dates. This administrative bulletin announces a change to our policy regarding the expiration date of bulletins. Every bulletin used to have an expiration date of three years. We would regularly review the bulletins to determine whether the policies were still relevant, accurate, and useful. Then, we would … Continue reading Expiration Date Bulletin Released

Social Media Bulletin Briefing

A few weeks ago, we released NARA Bulletin 2014-02: Guidance on Managing Social Media Records, which superseded our previous  Bulletin on Social Media. This new Bulletin provides Federal agencies with high-level requirements and best practices for managing records created and received when using social media. Want to learn more about the challenges agencies face in … Continue reading Social Media Bulletin Briefing

Opportunity for Comment: NARA Bulletin on Managing Social Media Records

We are requesting comments on a draft of an upcoming NARA Bulletin on Managing Social Media Records. This draft Bulletin will supersede NARA Bulletin 2011-02: Guidance on Managing Records in Web 2.0/Social Media Platforms and provides high-level requirements and best practices for capturing records created when agencies use social media. This use may result in … Continue reading Opportunity for Comment: NARA Bulletin on Managing Social Media Records