We are pleased to announce vendors with contracts under GSA Schedule 36, Special Item Number 51-600, Electronic Records Management Solutions, can now submit demos to GSA! As part of our Federal Electronic Records Modernization Initiative (FERMI) we have been working with GSA’s Schedule 36 team to create a market research tool where agencies can view how vendors meet NARA’s requirements for electronic messages.
NARA and GSA hosted an Industry Day to provide vendors with information about NARA’s Use Cases for Electronic Messages. We asked vendors to create demos based on three scenarios in the use cases.
Once vendors submit the demos, they will be posted on GSA’s Discovery website for agencies to view. Agencies can use the demos to compare ERM solutions available on Schedule 36.
For more information for vendors on how to submit demos, please see GSA’s interact website. Demos can be emailed to recordsmanagement@gsa.gov.
For questions about FERMI, please contact RMPolicy@nara.gov.
Stay tuned to Records Express for more FERMI updates!