The Office of the Chief Records Officer is changing how we communicate! We are moving to a new tool to manage contact information and send out email communications from our office.
Previously, we used a GSA-listserv. This listserv is no longer supported. We are now going to be using Constant Contact (There are many paid tools available that manage email communication. Our use of Constant Contact is not an endorsement of this tool over any others.). We have imported all our previous contact information from the GSA-listserv. If you were not on the listserv, you can now subscribe to the email list via our website.
We will continue to use our blog to communicate as well. In general, we share information on the blog that is important to the broader federal records management community, such as reminders of emergency records resources, asking for comments on draft policies, and updates from our FERMI project. We also use email to send specific information and memos from our office, upcoming BRIDG meetings, reporting, and other federal records management activities. Sometimes we send out the same information in both email and on our blog, but we recommend that you subscribe to both.
Subscribe to Federal Records Management Emails
Subscribe to the Records Express Blog
If you have any questions or issues about this change, please leave a comment below or contact us at rm.communications@nara.gov.