Records Storage Facility Compliance

The National Archives unit involved with Federal agency records storage standards (36 CFR 1234, formerly numbered 1228 subpart K) has resumed contacting Federal agencies regarding the specific locations where they store records and the status of the certification of those facilities. The efforts now are to make contact with agencies that did not reply to … Continue reading Records Storage Facility Compliance

Opportunity for Comment: NARA-Created Transfer Requests

We are requesting comments on the draft of an upcoming NARA Bulletin on NARA-Created Transfer Requests. NARA bulletins are designed to provide fundamental guidance to Federal agencies who must then determine the most appropriate ways to incorporate the guidance into their work. This Bulletin establishes a time period for agencies to take action on NARA-created … Continue reading Opportunity for Comment: NARA-Created Transfer Requests

Open Government Plan 2014-2016

Last Friday, the Archivist of the United States blogged the announcement of the release of our newest Open Goverment plan in the post, “Innovate to Make Access Happen.” You can access the agency’s newest Open Government Plan in PDF, Word, and at We also wrote about the plan in more detail on our Narations blog.  For our … Continue reading Open Government Plan 2014-2016

Recent Opportunities for Comment

Over the last few weeks, we have posted several items for comment that we want to remind people about. Please take a moment and go back through these posts if you have not yet had the opportunity.We welcome any comments. First, we posted the draft of our Automated Electronic Records Management Plan in support of … Continue reading Recent Opportunities for Comment

Managing Records in Mobile Environments: Addressing Records Management Implications

In this third and final post on mobile environments, the Records Management Policy Team will look at some ways Federal agencies can address the implications for managing records in a mobile environment. The steps that agencies can take to address security concerns have been well-covered in the many articles, vendor advertisements, and white papers on … Continue reading Managing Records in Mobile Environments: Addressing Records Management Implications

Managing Records in Mobile Environments: Records Management Implications

In our first post, the Records Management Policy Team explored a bit of the current environment for mobile work in the Federal government and the reality that employees are using their mobile devices to conduct agency business. In this second post, we will review the risks and records management considerations for Federal agencies. When Federal employees … Continue reading Managing Records in Mobile Environments: Records Management Implications

Opening for Director of Corporate Records Management

Another Records Management position has opened here at the National Archives. We have just posted our Director of Corporate Records Management Position (GS-0301-15) on USA Jobs. This position is open for Merit Promotion candidates and closes on April 1, 2014. We encourage all qualified candidates to consider this critical records management leadership position. Also, we want … Continue reading Opening for Director of Corporate Records Management

Managing Records in Mobile Environments: Background and Benefits

The following blog post reflects the thoughts of NARA’s Records Management Policy Team on the topic of managing records in a mobile environment. We will explore the benefits, records management implications, and best practices that have emerged to address these challenges in a series of three blog posts. The team is not at the point … Continue reading Managing Records in Mobile Environments: Background and Benefits

Opening for Director of National Records Management Training

We are pleased to announce that NARA is now seeking applications for the position of Director, National Records Management Training Program. This is a high-profile position responsible for overseeing NARA's nationwide RM training activities including face-to-face and online instruction, content development, and management of NARA's Certificate of Federal Records Management Training program. The opening closes … Continue reading Opening for Director of National Records Management Training