The Capstone Approach and Legacy Email

Agencies using GRS 6.1, Email Managed Under a Capstone Approach, are expected to apply items the agency uses to all existing email, including legacy email. Legacy email is defined as email that still exists in an electronic format, at the time of Capstone implementation (see GRS 6.1 FAQ #19). When submitting an NA-1005 form, agencies … Continue reading The Capstone Approach and Legacy Email

More flexibility for managing permanent email under GRS 6.1!

Transmittal 26 includes a revision to GRS 6.1, Email Managed Under a Capstone Approach, that provides a more flexible period for transferring permanent email to NARA. Agencies raised concerns about transferring records containing highly sensitive or personally identifiable information (PII) 15 years after cutoff. The new instructions provide a retention band, allowing agencies to select … Continue reading More flexibility for managing permanent email under GRS 6.1!

First Approvals to Use Capstone GRS

We are  pleased to announce the first two agencies  approved to use General Records Schedule (GRS) 6.1 for email managed under a Capstone approach are the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) and the National Security Agency (NSA). Goal 1.2 of the Managing Government Records Directive (M-12-18) (.pdf) requires all agencies to manage permanent and temporary … Continue reading First Approvals to Use Capstone GRS

Criteria for Managing Email Records

We are pleased to announce the publication of the Criteria for Managing Email Records in Compliance with the Managing Government Records Directive (M-12-18). The criteria was developed to provide clarification of the existing requirements directly related to email management. It is a synthesis of the statutory, regulatory, and NARA guidance requirements. Agencies should use this … Continue reading Criteria for Managing Email Records

Release of OMB M-14-16

Yesterday, the Office of Management and Budget and the National Archives released a Memorandum (.pdf)  to the heads of agencies on Guidance for Managing Email. This Memorandum also includes NARA Bulletin 2014-06. This Memorandum reinforces the importance for each agency to manage their email properly and the need for all Federal employees to be aware of their … Continue reading Release of OMB M-14-16

Capstone Informational Session

We will be holding an information session for Federal agency records managers and other agency stakeholders on Capstone: A New Approach to Managing Email Records, on February 4, 2014. This session will include two sections: Section 1: A presentation on our own implementation of the Capstone approach, led by NARA's Records Officer, Susan J. Sullivan, … Continue reading Capstone Informational Session

Update on CapstoneTraining Sessions

We are canceling the October 1, 2013 training session on the Capstone Bulletin, scheduled to be held in McGowan Theater.  We apologize for any inconvenience. The following sessions are still open for registration, and we encourage those who reserved a spot for the October 1, 2013 session to register for a new date following the instructions below. Each session is … Continue reading Update on CapstoneTraining Sessions

Bulletin 2013-03 Released

We are pleased to announce the release of NARA Bulletin 2013-03, which discusses guidance for agency officials on the management of Federal Records. This Bulletin is being issued to reaffirm that agencies and agency employees must manage Federal records appropriately and prevent the unauthorized removal of Federal records from agency custody. Also, this Bulletin clarifies records … Continue reading Bulletin 2013-03 Released

Capstone Bulletin Issued

Today, we have issued guidance for Federal Agencies on a simplified approach to managing email. NARA Bulletin 2013-02: Guidance on a New Approach to Managing Email Records introduces a new approach to managing the billions of email messages that are sent or received in Federal agencies. The approach is called “Capstone.” Capstone will help agencies … Continue reading Capstone Bulletin Issued

Opportunity for Comment: Capstone Email Bulletin

We are requesting comments on a draft of an upcoming NARA Bulletin that creates a new approach to managing email. NARA bulletins are designed to provide fundamental guidance to Federal agencies who must then determine the most appropriate ways to incorporate the guidance into their work. This draft Bulletin (available here as .pdf) will provide … Continue reading Opportunity for Comment: Capstone Email Bulletin