NAID: 75854037 - April 16, 1985 - President Ronald Reagan reading classified file alone by his desk in the Oval Office We are pleased to announce the release of a new Bulletin: Metadata Guidance for the Transfer of Classified Electronic Records. This bulletin provides guidance on security classification metadata that must accompany transfers of permanent classified … Continue reading New Bulletin on Metadata for Classified Electronic Records
Tag: metadata
Agency Metadata Requirements for Transferring Permanent Electronic Records
The following is a guest post from the Accessioning Branch Archivists of the Electronic Records Division, the custodial unit for permanent federal electronic records. As agencies are transitioning to a fully digital government, NARA would like to share a reminder of the metadata requirements for transferring permanent electronic records. NARA may not approve proposed accessions … Continue reading Agency Metadata Requirements for Transferring Permanent Electronic Records
Opportunity for Comment: Draft NARA Bulletin on Metadata Guidance for Transfer of Classified Electronic Records
We are requesting comments on a draft NARA Bulletin: Metadata Guidance for the Transfer of Classified Electronic Records Please send comments or questions to by August 16, 2024. This bulletin provides guidance on security classification metadata that must accompany transfers of permanent classified electronic records to the U.S. National Archives. This metadata documents the access restrictions, review … Continue reading Opportunity for Comment: Draft NARA Bulletin on Metadata Guidance for Transfer of Classified Electronic Records
Release of Standard Data Elements for Electronic Records Management
Federal Integrated Business Framework Components (Source:
Opportunity to Comment: Draft Standard Data Elements for Electronic Records Management
We are requesting comments on our draft Standard Data Elements as part of our Federal Electronic Records Modernization Initiative (FERMI). Through FERMI, we have been working to improve the way agencies acquire ERM services and solutions. The use cases are a part of the Electronic Records Management Federal Integrated Business Framework (ERM-FIBF) and can serve … Continue reading Opportunity to Comment: Draft Standard Data Elements for Electronic Records Management
Managing Metadata for Permanent Records: What if the metadata required for transferring permanent records are stored separately from the records themselves?
To follow our last post on Metadata Requirements for Permanent Records on Shared Drives, today we are discussing how to manage metadata for permanent records stored separately from the records. Required metadata, as specified in NARA Bulletin 2015-04, must have the same retention and disposition as the records they describe whether maintained in a separate … Continue reading Managing Metadata for Permanent Records: What if the metadata required for transferring permanent records are stored separately from the records themselves?
Metadata Requirements for Permanent Records on Shared Drives
When you use a shared drive to manage and store permanent records, you should consider what documentation, including finding aids or indexes that may be required at the time of transfer. Measures must be put in place to ensure the records have the minimum metadata required in NARA Bulletin 2015-04: Metadata Guidance for the Transfer of … Continue reading Metadata Requirements for Permanent Records on Shared Drives
Metadata Requirements for Permanent Electronic Records in the Cloud
If you have Federal records in the cloud, additional metadata might need to be applied to maintain relational links between records stored in the cloud and in local storage. You should assess metadata requirements before records are transferred to or created in the cloud. Also, the contract between the agency and the cloud service provider … Continue reading Metadata Requirements for Permanent Electronic Records in the Cloud
Best Practices for File Naming
Advances in computing have made moving files between different platforms much easier than just a few years ago. The adoption of the UNICODE standard for character encoding and cross compatibility between operating systems has made problems opening a file received as an attachment to an email, downloaded from a web site, or accessed on a … Continue reading Best Practices for File Naming
Why does NARA ask for additional metadata for email records?
Email records include fields of information such as the sender, recipient, date, and subject that may be considered to be a form of metadata. However, since these fields can be populated in multiple ways, they may not provide sufficient information to make email records retrievable and useable for as long as they are needed. Agencies … Continue reading Why does NARA ask for additional metadata for email records?