Release of Universal Electronic Records Management Requirements, Version 2

We are pleased to announce the release of the Universal Electronic Records Management (ERM) Requirements, Version 2 as part of our Federal Electronic Records Modernization Initiative (FERMI). Through this initiative, we have been working to improve the way agencies acquire ERM services and solutions.

We first released the Universal ERM Requirements in August 2017. We began the process to update the requirements by requesting comments on Records Express in October 2019. Thank you to all who submitted comments. We reviewed all the comments and updated Version 2. 

Version 2 updates include: 

  • Abstract: We revised the Abstract to clarify what the Universal ERM Requirements are and how they should be used. We also added a link to guidance on classified records and updated the GSA schedule language on Consolidated Schedules.
  • Lifecycle Requirements: We added requirements on sustainability of records, FOIA, and customizing workflows. We removed duplicate requirements and renumbered subsequent requirements. We updated the authorities for the “must have” requirements that previously pointed to “Requirements Working Group” as the authority. We aligned the requirement text with the “must have” or “should have” column.
  • Transfer Format Requirements: We added the calendar format to the “Transfer Format Requirements” tab. We also added the calendar format as a record type to the Lifecycle Requirements, Transfer Format Requirements and Glossary tabs. 
  • Glossary: We updated the definitions and added a column for the sources of the definitions.

Agency staff can use the Universal ERM requirements as a starting point when writing a Statement of Work or Performance Work Statement for ERM tools or services. Records officers can share these requirements with their procurement and IT departments as a basis for work on specific requirements for agency systems.

We will work with GSA to incorporate Version 2 of the Universal ERM Requirements into GSA’s Schedule 36 and Consolidated Schedules for ERM services and solutions. Vendors will re-certify they can meet the Universal ERM Requirements, Version 2 by submitting a new self-certification.

Please contact with any questions.