Opportunity for Comment: Draft Training Bulletin

We are requesting comments on a draft Bulletin entitled “Agency Records Management Training Requirements.” The draft is available here. We anticipate releasing this Bulletin later this year. It was developed to support  the July release of OMB Circular A-130, as well as current laws and Directives governing Federal records management programs. This Bulletin will specify … Continue reading Opportunity for Comment: Draft Training Bulletin

More flexibility for managing permanent email under GRS 6.1!

Transmittal 26 includes a revision to GRS 6.1, Email Managed Under a Capstone Approach, that provides a more flexible period for transferring permanent email to NARA. Agencies raised concerns about transferring records containing highly sensitive or personally identifiable information (PII) 15 years after cutoff. The new instructions provide a retention band, allowing agencies to select … Continue reading More flexibility for managing permanent email under GRS 6.1!

Release of Electronic Messages White Paper

We are pleased to announce the release of the Electronic Messages White Paper. Throughout fiscal year 2016, NARA conducted research to assess current practices in Federal agencies regarding the management of electronic messages and use of electronic messaging technology. This white paper represents NARA’s findings as of March 2016. On the whole, NARA’s research indicates that … Continue reading Release of Electronic Messages White Paper

FOIA Improvement Act of 2016

President Barack Obama signed into law the FOIA Improvement Act of 2016 last week. This law codifies many of the Administration’s openness policies and initiatives into the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) and advances open government. It also highlights the importance of NARA’s Office of Government Information Services (OGIS) to the FOIA process. Follow OGIS’s … Continue reading FOIA Improvement Act of 2016

Instructions and template for big bucket crosswalks

In the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) About Flexible Scheduling, NARA states that agencies must create a crosswalk when preparing records schedules with big bucket schedule items. We are now providing a crosswalk template (.xls) and instructions (.pdf) that agencies may use for this purpose. Agencies are not required to use the template, although it is recommended … Continue reading Instructions and template for big bucket crosswalks

Criteria for Managing Email Records

We are pleased to announce the publication of the Criteria for Managing Email Records in Compliance with the Managing Government Records Directive (M-12-18). The criteria was developed to provide clarification of the existing requirements directly related to email management. It is a synthesis of the statutory, regulatory, and NARA guidance requirements. Agencies should use this … Continue reading Criteria for Managing Email Records

Documenting Your Public Service

We are pleased to publish an update to Documenting Your Public Service. This guide provides information describing the responsibilities all government employees must follow for managing federal records. It is important for agencies to ensure employees are aware of their records management responsibilities, especially as we approach the upcoming Presidential transition. We will be developing … Continue reading Documenting Your Public Service

Agency Participants Needed for Electronic Messages Research

A team within the Office of the Chief Records Officer is in the process of conducting follow-up research to NARA Bulletin 2015-02: Guidance on Managing Electronic Messages. The Bulletin provides records management guidance for electronic messages, including text messaging and chat/instant messaging. Has your agency begun discussing how you are approaching the management of electronic … Continue reading Agency Participants Needed for Electronic Messages Research

Hurricane Joaquin Threatens East Coast

In advance of Hurricane Joaquin we remind Agency Records Officers that NARA posts records emergency information and other useful guidance in order for them to pass along this information to other agency personnel. For advice and assistance on preparing before the Hurricane and records recovery operations after the end of the storm, please refer to … Continue reading Hurricane Joaquin Threatens East Coast