Our Big Bucket Scheduling Workshop a few weeks ago was a great success! Special thanks to the presenters from the US Patent and Trademark Office, Records Officer Susan Fawcett and USPTO records management contractors John Milligan, Neale Faunt, and Earl Ashley. Thanks also to nearly 200 attendees that filled the McGowan Theater for asking some … Continue reading Big Bucket Scheduling Workshop Follow-up
Category: General
Big Bucket Scheduling Workshop
We are planning a Big Bucket Scheduling (see http://www.archives.gov/records-mgmt/faqs/flexible-scheduling.html for information about big bucket schedules) workshop that will be presented by records management staff of the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) on August 21, 2012. USPTO staff will provide an overview of their Big Bucket scheduling project that was completed in November 2011. … Continue reading Big Bucket Scheduling Workshop
2012 Records Management Self-Assessment Opens Today
This post was written by the RMSA team The Records Management Self Assessment 2012 (RMSA) is here! This morning, Monday, June 4, NARA opened the survey tool for the 2012 RMSA. We sent the link in an “RM Communications” e-mail to agency records officers -- so if you’re reading this, and if you did not … Continue reading 2012 Records Management Self-Assessment Opens Today
Release of 2011 Records Management Self-Assessment
We are pleased to announce the release of the 2011 Records Management Self-Assessment Report (.pdf). Last May, we issued the mandatory annual records management self-assessment (RMSA) to Federal agencies. The goal of the self-assessments is to determine whether Federal agencies are compliant with statutory and regulatory records management requirements. This year, the findings are similar … Continue reading Release of 2011 Records Management Self-Assessment
OPM Releases Position Classification
On Friday, March 9, 2012, as part of the Obama Administration’s ongoing Open Government activities and their support of Sunshine Week (March 11th through 17th), the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) released the Final Position Classification Flysheet for a new job series called the Government Information Series, 0306. This job series covers work involved in … Continue reading OPM Releases Position Classification
Changes to Teams That Serve Our Customers
The following memo to our agency contacts was sent out this morning. NARA's Office of the Chief Records Officer (OCRO) and Federal Records Centers Program (FRCP) are making some changes to the teams that work most closely with agency staff on records management issues-the Appraisal Archivists and the FRCP Account Managers. We are making these … Continue reading Changes to Teams That Serve Our Customers
Bulletin on Shared Drives Released
We are pleased to announce that NARA Bulletin 2012-02, Guidance on Managing Content on Shared Drives has been issued. NARA recognizes agencies have long used shared drives to store content. Agencies have had varying degrees of success in managing the Federal records on shared drives. This Bulletin outlines the records management implications and challenges, agency … Continue reading Bulletin on Shared Drives Released
Poll of Agencies’ Use of Web Conferencing
The Office of the Chief Records Officer at the National Archives is conducting research of our customer agencies' use of web conferencing services, social media sites, and video streaming websites. We will use this data to assist us in procuring services that the greatest number of our customers can access. Please click on this link … Continue reading Poll of Agencies’ Use of Web Conferencing
Patent and Trademark Office Schedule Project Completed
Earlier this week, the records management staff from the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (PTO) met with the Archivist of the United States to celebrate the completion of an 8 year scheduling project that completely revised and updated the records schedule for their agency. This milestone was marked with a brief ceremony where the Archivist … Continue reading Patent and Trademark Office Schedule Project Completed
Welcome ARMA 2011
As many of you are probably aware, the annual meeting of ARMA International takes place this year October 17-19 at the Gaylord National Hotel and Conference Center. We wanted to make everyone aware of our presence at this meeting and of the sessions and events that are of particular interest to Federal employees. There is … Continue reading Welcome ARMA 2011