The Archivist of the United States, David S. Ferriero, testified on March 23, 2010, before the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs: Subcommittee on Federal Financial Management, Government Information, Federal Services, and International Security. During a hearing entitled, "Removing the Shroud of Secrecy: Making Government More Transparent and Accountable," Mr. Ferriero spoke about the National Archives' responsibilities for records … Continue reading Archivist testifies about Open Government and Records Management
Category: General
News from the Field
Today's post comes to us from Matthew Eidson, Supervisory Archives Specialist in the National Archives Permanent Records Capture Section. Let the drums roll and tape ticker . . . it’s my pleasure to introduce to you a new segment on Records Express that I’m (rather uncreatively calling) “News from the Field”. My name is Matt … Continue reading News from the Field
Welcome Back!
As you can see, we've redesigned the RACO 2009 blog a bit. Now, under the name of Records Express, we will use this blog to discuss all things related to Federal records management and the National Archives and Records Administration. This includes everything from talking about new ERM policy and guidance to soliciting advice and … Continue reading Welcome Back!
About the awards!
Today's post comes to us from Susan Cummings, Deputy Director of Modern Records Programs One of the highlights of RACO is the presentation of the Archivist Achievement Awards. These awards recognize Federal agencies who have achieved some notable success in their records managenent programs or activities that have significantly benefited the agency as a whole. … Continue reading About the awards!
Meet Our Keynote Speaker – Beth Noveck
We are very excited to have Beth Noveck as the keynote speaker at RACO 2009, our 21st annual Federal records administrators' conference at the Reagan Building on Thursday, May 28th. To get a flavor of her presentation, see below: Beth is currently on leave from New York Law School to help lead President Obama's openness … Continue reading Meet Our Keynote Speaker – Beth Noveck
Welcome to RACO 2009
Welcome! This is the National Archives and Records Administration’s (NARA) blog to discuss all things RACO. This year’s Washington, DC area RACO is going to be held on May 28, 2009 at the Ronald Reagan Building. Our theme for this year is “Collaborating Across Boundaries: Government Records and Social Media” and this blog is one … Continue reading Welcome to RACO 2009