Request for Feedback on the Universal Electronic Records Management Requirements

We released the Universal Electronic Records Management Requirements in August 2017. These requirements marked the first major milestone in the Federal Electronic Records Modernization Initiative (FERMI). These requirements identify high level business needs for managing electronic records and come from existing NARA regulations, policy, and guidance.  We are now in the process of reviewing the … Continue reading Request for Feedback on the Universal Electronic Records Management Requirements

Calendar Formats Added to Format Guidance

We have added Calendar Formats to Appendix A: Table of File Formats of NARA Bulletin 2014-04, Format Guidance for the Transfer of Permanent Records. Records in this format can now be transferred as permanent records to the National Archives. Typically, this format is used for electronic calendars. Electronic calendars allow users or groups to create … Continue reading Calendar Formats Added to Format Guidance

Release of Annual Records Management Report

We are pleased to announce the publication of NARA’s Federal Agency Records Management Annual Report, 2018.This consolidated report provides a summary analysis of the state of Federal records management programs across the Federal Government.  In March 2019, NARA required Federal agencies to submit three reports: the annual Senior Agency Official for Records Management (SAORM) Report, … Continue reading Release of Annual Records Management Report

Tropical Storm Dorian Approaches U.S. Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico, and Florida

Tropical Storm Dorian is quickly strengthening and a hurricane watch is now in effect for the U. S. Virgin Islands and the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico. According to the National Hurricane Center tracking information, near hurricane conditions are possible in Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands today. Heavy rainfall could produce flash flooding during … Continue reading Tropical Storm Dorian Approaches U.S. Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico, and Florida

Opportunity for Comment: Draft Bulletin – Agency Records Officer Credential Training and Renewal Policy

We are requesting comments on the draft NARA Bulletin, “Agency Records Officer Credential Training and Renewal Policy”. This draft Bulletin describes the replacement of NARA’s Certificate of Federal Records Management Training with the proposed Agency Records Officer Credential (AROC). The draft Bulletin also establishes the requirement for Agency Records Officers to periodically renew the credential. … Continue reading Opportunity for Comment: Draft Bulletin – Agency Records Officer Credential Training and Renewal Policy

Update on ICE Schedule

NARA is in the final stages of our records scheduling process with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) for schedule DAA-0567-2015-0013, Detainee Records. This schedule was originally proposed to NARA on October 26, 2015. NARA published notice of the pending schedule in the Federal Register on July 14, 2017. The schedule, which covers records related … Continue reading Update on ICE Schedule

FRMC Digitization Cost Benefit Analysis Tools

The following is a guest post by Tammy Hudson, DHS Records Officer on behalf of the Federal Records Management Council. The Federal Records Management Council (FRMC) is a NARA-sponsored group of agency records officers that meet regularly to discuss records management challenges common to all agencies. A subcommittee of the FRMC worked independently to examine … Continue reading FRMC Digitization Cost Benefit Analysis Tools

Vendors Under Schedule 36 Can Now Submit Demos to GSA

We are pleased to announce vendors with contracts under GSA Schedule 36, Special Item Number 51-600, Electronic Records Management Solutions, can now submit demos to GSA! As part of our Federal Electronic Records Modernization Initiative (FERMI) we have been working with GSA’s Schedule 36 team to create a market research tool where agencies can view … Continue reading Vendors Under Schedule 36 Can Now Submit Demos to GSA

Upcoming Changes in Records Management Training

Many of the significant changes to the Records Management Training Program occur at the end of this fiscal year.  We announced the changes that are underway in this April 2018 post and followed up with another post in July.  Over the past year we’ve also provided updates during BRIDG meetings. This post includes some of … Continue reading Upcoming Changes in Records Management Training