Agency Records Officer Training Requirements

Today, we issued NARA Bulletin 2014-03: Guidance on Agency Records Officer Training Requirements. This  Bulletin explains how we are implementing Requirement 2.3 of the joint Office of Management and Budget and National Archives and Records Administration  Directive M-12-18: Managing Government Records. This requirement states that by December 31, 2014, each designated Federal agency records officer … Continue reading Agency Records Officer Training Requirements

Opportunity for Comment: Transfer Guidance Bulletin

We are requesting comments on a draft of an upcoming NARA Bulletin that replaces all previous guidance on identifying file formats acceptable for use when transferring permanent records to NARA. There are two parts to the draft; the draft Bulletin (.pdf) and an accompanying table of formats (.pdf). The Bulletin applies to all electronic records … Continue reading Opportunity for Comment: Transfer Guidance Bulletin

Social Media Bulletin Issued

We have just released NARA Bulletin 2014-02, Guidance on Managing Social Media Records. This Bulletin supersedes NARA Bulletin 2011-02: Guidance on Managing Records in Web 2.0/Social Media Platforms.  This Bulletin was written with feedback from a wide variety of stakeholders, including OMB, the Federal Records Council, Federal agencies, and the public. We thank everyone for … Continue reading Social Media Bulletin Issued

Annual Records Management Reporting Period Opens

We have now opened the annual records management reporting period. In consultation with the Office of Management and Budget, this year's deadline has been extended from December 31, 2013 to January 31, 2014. Agencies are receiving a formal communications package from our office with full details and instructions. This year, we are asking for reporting … Continue reading Annual Records Management Reporting Period Opens

Status of October BRIDG Meeting and Scheduled Training Classes

As a result of the recent Federal Government shutdown, we are canceling the October 23, Agency Services Bimonthly Records and Information Discussion Group (BRIDG) event due to the insufficient advance time needed to plan and prepare for this meeting.  The next regularly scheduled BRIDG meeting will be on Wednesday, December 18, so until then, please … Continue reading Status of October BRIDG Meeting and Scheduled Training Classes

Update on Capstone Training Sessions

Due to the government shutdown and efforts to restore services, we are rescheduling some Capstone training workshop sessions. This includes the upcoming workshop session on October 22, 2013, and the session missed on October 16, 2013.  Registration for all workshop sessions still remains open. Instructions on how to register is at the end of this post. … Continue reading Update on Capstone Training Sessions

Update from Federal Records Center program

The following is from our Federal Records Center program. FRC 02.2013 September 27, 2013 Information on Federal Records Centers operations in the event of a Federal Government shutdown FRC MEMORANDUM TO FEDERAL AGENCY CONTACTS: Information on Federal Records Centers operations in the event of a Federal Government shutdown. I would like to communicate with Federal … Continue reading Update from Federal Records Center program

Update on CapstoneTraining Sessions

We are canceling the October 1, 2013 training session on the Capstone Bulletin, scheduled to be held in McGowan Theater.  We apologize for any inconvenience. The following sessions are still open for registration, and we encourage those who reserved a spot for the October 1, 2013 session to register for a new date following the instructions below. Each session is … Continue reading Update on CapstoneTraining Sessions

Flooding in Colorado

Once again, a natural disaster is severely impacting a region of our nation.  Much of the Front Range of Colorado has been experiencing devastation due to historic rainfall amounts and subsequent flooding.  Many residences, businesses, and organizations have been destroyed or damaged.  So far, we have not been made aware of any damage to the … Continue reading Flooding in Colorado