Permanent Digitization Regulations Ready for Review and Update on Transition Activity

We wanted to share two important updates from our office.  First, we wanted to call attention to the proposed digitization regulations for permanent records which were posted on the Federal Register for public review and comment.  Comments are due on or before February 1, 2021. To make a comment, please follow the instructions in the … Continue reading Permanent Digitization Regulations Ready for Review and Update on Transition Activity

Transition Post 3: Managing Official Email and Social Media Accounts

The next post in our Federal Government transition series highlights the need to manage official email and social media accounts of senior officials as they enter and exit Federal Service. It is very important for these officials to keep personal materials separate from official accounts or systems. This avoids the laborious and difficult task of … Continue reading Transition Post 3: Managing Official Email and Social Media Accounts

Cognitive Technologies White Paper

This post is written by Sharmila Bhatia and Markus Most. We are pleased to announce the release of a white paper on the records management implications of: Internet of Things (IoT)Robotic Process Automation (RPA)Machine Learning (ML)Artificial Intelligence (AI) This white paper provides a basic description of each of these technologies, examples of their various applications, … Continue reading Cognitive Technologies White Paper

Transition Post 2: Entrance and Exit Checklists for Senior Officials

The next post in our Federal Government transition series highlights the specific resources we have created for senior officials entering and exiting Federal Service. It is critically important these officials are aware of their records management responsibilities. Our Documenting Your Public Service guide includes Model Records and Information Management Entrance and Exit Checklists. These checklists … Continue reading Transition Post 2: Entrance and Exit Checklists for Senior Officials

Transition Post 1: General Resources from NARA and GSA

Every four years, the Federal Government moves into transition mode. No matter the outcome of the Presidential election, the Government enters a time of transition for senior staff across agencies. The Partnership for Public Service (PPS) Center for Presidential Transition produced a report last year highlighting the need for effective pre-election planning and preparation for … Continue reading Transition Post 1: General Resources from NARA and GSA

New Guidance Posted

Last week, our office released two NARA Bulletins for Federal agencies. The first, NARA Bulletin 2020-01, is the guidance answering common questions and providing clarifications to the OMB/NARA Memorandum M-19-21: Transition to Electronic Records. This Bulletin is the additional guidance required by the Memorandum.  We have received many questions from agencies, including general questions, exception … Continue reading New Guidance Posted

Release of Annual Records Management Report

We are pleased to announce the publication of NARA’s Federal Agency Records Management Annual Report, 2019. This consolidated report provides a summary analysis of the state of federal records management programs across the Federal Government. The 2019 reporting period began in January 2020 and was extended into May due to COVID-19. NARA required federal agencies … Continue reading Release of Annual Records Management Report

New Director of Records Management Training

Christopher “Eddie” Kline joined our staff as the new Director of Records Management Training program in May and we asked him a few questions. New Records Management Training program director, Christopher "Eddie" Kline 1 First, What is your general background? Prior to coming onboard at NARA, I served as a training Section Chief and lead … Continue reading New Director of Records Management Training

FERMI Collaboration Day

On Thursday, August 6, we co-hosted a virtual Collaboration Day with the General Services Administration (GSA) on electronic records management solutions. The Collaboration Day was part of our Federal Electronic Records Modernization Initiative (FERMI).  At the event, we provided updates including the release of Version 2 of the Universal Electronic Records Management Requirements, our work … Continue reading FERMI Collaboration Day

Disaster Preparedness during Hurricane Season

The Atlantic hurricane season is already underway, with Tropical Storm Isaias causing considerable damage as it made landfall last week. NOAA is predicting “an extremely active” hurricane season in the Atlantic Basin.  As a result, we wanted to take this opportunity to remind Federal agencies and records personnel dealing with the effects of Isaias, or … Continue reading Disaster Preparedness during Hurricane Season