Industry Day for Electronic Messages on August 6

We will be co-hosting an Industry Day with GSA on August 6 to launch the next phase of our Federal Electronic Records Modernization Initiative (FERMI). The Industry Day will be held from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM Eastern in the McGowan Theater at the National Archives Building. We will announce how vendors listed on GSA … Continue reading Industry Day for Electronic Messages on August 6

Request for Comments on Two Draft NARA Bulletins to Update Format Guidance

We are making a few minor changes to NARA Bulletin 2014-04, Format Guidance for the Transfer of Permanent Records.  These changes will streamline the process for future updates to the format tables. We are making these changes via a new NARA Bulletin, 2018-XX. We welcome your participation in the development of this guidance. We are … Continue reading Request for Comments on Two Draft NARA Bulletins to Update Format Guidance

National Archives Updates Progress on ICE Records Disposition

This post has been crossposted from the AOTUS Blog. The proposed Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) records schedule for records related to detainees held in ICE detention facilities (DAA-0567-2015-0013) has received significant attention in the media and by concerned individuals. Because of the ongoing interest in this schedule, NARA is providing this update on the … Continue reading National Archives Updates Progress on ICE Records Disposition

Email System Features and Records Management

Over the past few weeks, there have been several articles written describing upcoming changes Google is in the process of rolling out to their email service. One of these features, “confidential mode,” allows senders to select how long the recipient will be able to read and access the messages, disables forwarding or copying/pasting, and sets … Continue reading Email System Features and Records Management

What is FERMI?

You may have heard us talk about FERMI at recent events and you may have wondered, what is FERMI? Why is NARA talking about 20th Century physicists? In reality FERMI is the shorthand for the Federal Electronic Records Modernization Initiative (FERMI). FERMI emerged from the Automated Electronic Records Management Plan, written to support the Managing Government … Continue reading What is FERMI?

Changes Coming to NARA RM Training Program

One of the major topics covered during our last BRIDG meeting was the continual evolution of the Records Management Training Program. Dr. Gary Rauchfuss, the director of our training program, presented upcoming changes and answered questions. You can view his presentation below. Gary discussed both the curriculum updates and the long-term evolution of the … Continue reading Changes Coming to NARA RM Training Program

Frequently Asked Questions about the Certificate of Federal Records Management Training 

Why should I get NARA's Certificate of Federal Records Management Training? NARA's program gives Federal records management professionals a set of benchmarks to gauge their professional development. Information contained in the courses associated with the Certificate cover every aspect of Federal Records Management and are an important step in acquiring the skills necessary to manage Federal records. How does NARA's Certificate of … Continue reading Frequently Asked Questions about the Certificate of Federal Records Management Training 

Success Criteria for Managing Permanent Electronic Records

I am pleased to announce the publication of the Criteria for Successfully Managing Permanent Electronic Records. The guidance supports the Managing Government Records Directive (M-12-18), which states “By December 31, 2019, all permanent electronic records in Federal agencies will be managed electronically to the fullest extent possible for eventual transfer and accessioning by NARA in … Continue reading Success Criteria for Managing Permanent Electronic Records

Roles and Responsibilities for Records Management Programs

We frequently receive questions about the roles and responsibilities for Senior Agency Officials for Records Management (SAORM) and Agency Records Officers. This post is intended to clarify their differences. The head of each agency has overall responsibility for establishing and maintaining an active and efficient records management program. NARA recognizes two formally designated officials that … Continue reading Roles and Responsibilities for Records Management Programs