NAID: 75854037 - April 16, 1985 - President Ronald Reagan reading classified file alone by his desk in the Oval Office We are pleased to announce the release of a new Bulletin: Metadata Guidance for the Transfer of Classified Electronic Records. This bulletin provides guidance on security classification metadata that must accompany transfers of permanent classified … Continue reading New Bulletin on Metadata for Classified Electronic Records
Tag: electronic records management
Agency Metadata Requirements for Transferring Permanent Electronic Records
The following is a guest post from the Accessioning Branch Archivists of the Electronic Records Division, the custodial unit for permanent federal electronic records. As agencies are transitioning to a fully digital government, NARA would like to share a reminder of the metadata requirements for transferring permanent electronic records. NARA may not approve proposed accessions … Continue reading Agency Metadata Requirements for Transferring Permanent Electronic Records
Updated Transfer Guidance Tables
SGT. Celestine Gates, a command and control specialist, updates a transparent fighter aircraft status board at the Elmendorf Operations center. The center is participating in exercise Brim Frost '81 NAID: 6347244 This post is to share that we have recently made several updates to our transfer guidance tables to help agencies manage their electronic records. … Continue reading Updated Transfer Guidance Tables
Transition Post 2: Entrance and Exit Checklists when Entering and Leaving Federal Service
In this post in our series about Presidential transitions and federal records, we’d like to highlight specific resources created for federal employees entering and exiting Federal Service. It is especially important for incoming and departing political appointees and senior officials to be aware of their records management responsibilities at this time. The Office of the … Continue reading Transition Post 2: Entrance and Exit Checklists when Entering and Leaving Federal Service
Transition Post 1: General Overview and Records Management Resources
In preparation for the 2024 Transition, we will be sharing a series of posts on records management best practices for officials entering and exiting federal service. Every four years the Government enters a time of transition for senior staff across agencies. 1976, November 22 – Rose Garden – The White House – Washington, DC – … Continue reading Transition Post 1: General Overview and Records Management Resources
Request for Feedback on the ERM Federal Integrated Business Framework
As part of our ongoing Federal Electronic Records Modernization Initiative (FERMI) work, we have completed an annual review to update the Electronic Records Management (ERM) Federal Integrated Business Framework as required by the Business Standards Council where we serve as the standards lead for electronic records management. We consulted with our interagency Requirements Working Group … Continue reading Request for Feedback on the ERM Federal Integrated Business Framework
GSA / NARA Webinar for SIN 518210DC Contractors
On May 23, 2024, GSA hosted a webinar on the new Subgroup under SIN 518210DC: NARA-Compliant Digitization Services for Federal Records. We presented an overview of the digitization regulations and GSA shared how to add this new subgroup to vendor contracts. We also had a Q&A segment to address attendee questions. We recommend vendors who … Continue reading GSA / NARA Webinar for SIN 518210DC Contractors
Release of Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) Briefing Paper
We are pleased to announce the release of a briefing paper on the records management implications of Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs). In 2019, NARA issued a white paper on Blockchain, describing how the technology works, how it is being used in the federal government, and the potential implications for records management. Blockchain or distributed ledger technology … Continue reading Release of Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) Briefing Paper
Records Management Updates to GSA’s Multiple Awards Schedule
We have two exciting updates to share about GSA’s Multiple Awards Schedule (MAS). The MAS is a vehicle for agencies to procure services and solutions to manage their records. The first update is the Special Item Number for Electronic Records Management (SIN 518210ERM). It has been updated to align with Version 3 of the Universal … Continue reading Records Management Updates to GSA’s Multiple Awards Schedule