Transfer Guidance Video

During the month of April, Kevin DeVorsey, Electronic Formats Specialist in the Office of the Chief Records Officer of the U.S. Government presented two online sessions on NARA’s new permanent electronic formats transfer guidance.  One of these sessions was recorded and is now available on the National Records Management Training Program’s YouTube playlist. This … Continue reading Transfer Guidance Video

Capstone Briefings

While we had to postpone the Capstone briefing scheduled for last week, we have posted videos of the Capstone Session held on February 4. This session was divided into two panels. The first was from our own records officer, Susan Sullivan. Susan shared information on how we planned the approach, stakeholder involvement, implementation steps to date, … Continue reading Capstone Briefings

Online Briefings now on YouTube

One of the most frequent comments we receive when we mention our online briefings, such as the one held a couple of weeks ago on the forthcoming revisions to our transfer guidance, is can I access the material later? Today, we are pleased to announce that we have launched a page on YouTube where we … Continue reading Online Briefings now on YouTube

Big Bucket Scheduling Workshop Follow-up

Our Big Bucket Scheduling Workshop a few weeks ago was a great success! Special thanks to the presenters from the US Patent and Trademark Office, Records Officer Susan Fawcett and USPTO records management contractors John Milligan, Neale Faunt, and Earl Ashley. Thanks also to nearly 200 attendees that filled the McGowan Theater for asking some … Continue reading Big Bucket Scheduling Workshop Follow-up

2011 Records Management Self-Assessment: A Video

The deadline for agencies to submit their responses to the 2011 Records Management Self-Assessment is tomorrow, June 3. We've produced a short video about the self-assessment starring Chief Records Officer Paul Wester and Office of the Chief Records Officer Management and Program Analyst Angela Dorsey. A .pdf transcript of the video is also available.