I want to highlight a particular GAO activity and resolve some confusion that might be out there among our Federal stakeholders. The Government Accountability Office (GAO) is currently conducting a survey of Federal records managers to assess our effectiveness in (1) overseeing records management, including our ability to preserve permanent records and our capacity to … Continue reading GAO Survey
Category: General
Technology Update: E-mail Archiving
In 2008, we released a bulletin entitled “Guidance concerning the use of e-mail archiving applications to store e-mail”. The bulletin recognized that Federal agencies may have a business need for using e-mail archiving products to store e-mail messages in a central repository for later retrieval. These applications are advertised and marketed as solutions to control … Continue reading Technology Update: E-mail Archiving
Toolkit Spotlight: Continuing Study of Federal Agency Recordkeeping Technologies (2008)
For our Toolkit for Managing Electronic Records spotlight this month, we are going to focus on the 2008 Continuing Study of Federal Agency Recordkeeping Technologies. <.pdf link here> This study looked at how 4 specific Federal agencies were handling electronic records and e?mail messages. Sections 4.0 and 5.0 of the report document the responses that … Continue reading Toolkit Spotlight: Continuing Study of Federal Agency Recordkeeping Technologies (2008)
Update: 2010 Decennial Census Records Schedule
The process to schedule the records of the 2010 census has reached an initial milestone. The Census Bureau has submitted a schedule providing for disposition of 2010 decennial census records for NARA approval. NARA’s initial review indicates that the proposed schedule meets the concerns of genealogists and other users of decennial census records for research … Continue reading Update: 2010 Decennial Census Records Schedule
Tool Spotlight: Cloud Computing FAQ
One of the things that we intend to do on the blog is to highlight something from our Toolkit for Managing Electronic Records each month. By doing this, we hope we call to your attention some new piece of NARA guidance, a helpful product from another agency, or simply something that you may have missed. … Continue reading Tool Spotlight: Cloud Computing FAQ
News from the Field: Spotlight “E-FORUMS”
Today's post comes to us from Matthew Eidson, Supervisory Archives Specialist in the National Archives Permanent Records Capture Section. Southwest Region packs the house; Pacific Alaska schedules an encore show; Headlines read “E-Forums declared a success”. Regional Records Managers across NARA have been holding E-Forums around the nation for about eight years. They were started … Continue reading News from the Field: Spotlight “E-FORUMS”
Opportunity for Federal Agencies to Discuss Web 2.0 Records
We will be hosting a Federal Web 2.0 "Jam Session" for Federal Agency records management and web management staff to discuss Federal uses of Web 2.0 technology. The Jam Session will include a discussion among participants of current uses of Web 2.0 technologies within agencies. This is an information gathering exercise to determine how these … Continue reading Opportunity for Federal Agencies to Discuss Web 2.0 Records
2009 RM Self-Assessment Report Released!
Today's post comes to us from Laurence Brewer, Director of the Life Cycle Management Division in the Modern Records Program. Today we released our findings from the 2009 Records Management Self-Assessment. Check it out here. In September 2009, we required all agencies to assess their own records management programs to determine how compliant they are … Continue reading 2009 RM Self-Assessment Report Released!
Congratulations LC! And ‘tweets’ can be Federal records too
Congratulations to our colleagues at the Library of Congress on their recent announcement of their acquisition of the complete archive of Twitter. This certainly represents a unique and compelling addition to their collection, and we very much share in their excitement. In light of a comment by an LC official, I would like to … Continue reading Congratulations LC! And ‘tweets’ can be Federal records too
Participate in our Archives.gov Web Redesign!
We are redesigning Archives.gov to make it easier and quicker for you to find the information you need as part of NARA's Flagship Open Government Initiative. We want your opinions to help us to design a website that you find easier to use. Feel free to show us how you would organize our web site … Continue reading Participate in our Archives.gov Web Redesign!