We are redesigning Archives.gov to make it easier and quicker for you to find the information you need as part of NARA's Flagship Open Government Initiative. We want your opinions to help us to design a website that you find easier to use. Feel free to show us how you would organize our web site … Continue reading Participate in our Archives.gov Web Redesign!
Archivist testifies about Open Government and Records Management
The Archivist of the United States, David S. Ferriero, testified on March 23, 2010, before the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs: Subcommittee on Federal Financial Management, Government Information, Federal Services, and International Security. During a hearing entitled, "Removing the Shroud of Secrecy: Making Government More Transparent and Accountable," Mr. Ferriero spoke about the National Archives' responsibilities for records … Continue reading Archivist testifies about Open Government and Records Management
News from the Field
Today's post comes to us from Matthew Eidson, Supervisory Archives Specialist in the National Archives Permanent Records Capture Section. Let the drums roll and tape ticker . . . it’s my pleasure to introduce to you a new segment on Records Express that I’m (rather uncreatively calling) “News from the Field”. My name is Matt … Continue reading News from the Field
RACO 2010 Keynote Announced
We are pleased to announce that Cass R. Sunstein, Administrator of the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs at OMB will keynote the 22nd Annual RACO Conference to be held May 12, 2010 at the Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center. The theme for this year's RACO is Managing the Records of an Open … Continue reading RACO 2010 Keynote Announced
NARA’s 22nd Annual Records Administration Conference (RACO 2010)
Today's post comes to us from Susan Cummings, Deputy Director of Modern Records Programs As we launch Records Express, we can’t forget the reason we started it in 2009 – to announce andshare updates about our annual Records Administration Conference – RACO! The theme for RACO 2010 here in DC on May 12th, as well … Continue reading NARA’s 22nd Annual Records Administration Conference (RACO 2010)
Welcome Back!
As you can see, we've redesigned the RACO 2009 blog a bit. Now, under the name of Records Express, we will use this blog to discuss all things related to Federal records management and the National Archives and Records Administration. This includes everything from talking about new ERM policy and guidance to soliciting advice and … Continue reading Welcome Back!
And we’re underway
Good morning everyone. Today is the big day. RACO 2009 is underway and Laurence Brewer is now introducing this blog and the twitter account to all of the attendees. Hello everyone.
About the awards!
Today's post comes to us from Susan Cummings, Deputy Director of Modern Records Programs One of the highlights of RACO is the presentation of the Archivist Achievement Awards. These awards recognize Federal agencies who have achieved some notable success in their records managenent programs or activities that have significantly benefited the agency as a whole. … Continue reading About the awards!
Previewing the Program: PM Sessions
After lunch, RACO 2009 will focus on practical case studies and examples of social media already being used by our colleagues in the Federal government. These sessions will provide both background on policy development and real-world examples of how these collaborative tools are already being used in a variety of ways. Jeffrey Levy, Director of … Continue reading Previewing the Program: PM Sessions
Previewing the Program: AM Sessions
A week from now, RACO 2009 will be underway. We've already highlighted the keynote speaker Beth Noveck. But what can you expect from the rest of our program? Let's take a more detailed look at the morning sessions. First on the schedule is the welcome from fellow blogger Laurence Brewer. Laurence will open RACO 2009 … Continue reading Previewing the Program: AM Sessions