Earlier this week, the records management staff from the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (PTO) met with the Archivist of the United States to celebrate the completion of an 8 year scheduling project that completely revised and updated the records schedule for their agency. This milestone was marked with a brief ceremony where the Archivist … Continue reading Patent and Trademark Office Schedule Project Completed
Tag: Records Control Schedule
2010 Census Records Scheduling Update
Given public interest in the records accumulated during Census 2010, we are making the 2010 Census Records Schedule and the accompanying NARA appraisal of the records available for review and comment. An earlier discussion about the issues surrounding the appraisal process and the 2010 Census records appeared on this blog in May. The schedule lists … Continue reading 2010 Census Records Scheduling Update
New FAQ on the site today!
For many, many, many years we have been answering calls and e-mails from you, the records schedulers, about when a change to an existing schedule can be done without submitting a new SF 115, and when a revised one is needed. For the most part, we've been able to answer your questions clearly, but there … Continue reading New FAQ on the site today!
Electronic Records Summary Report Released
Today's post comes to us from Laurence Brewer, Director of the Life Cycle Management Division in the Modern Records Program. At yesterday’s Bimonthly Records and Information Discussion Group (BRIDG) meeting with Federal agencies, I announced the release of NARA’s Electronic Records Project Summary Report, FY 2005 – FY 2009. It is now available on our … Continue reading Electronic Records Summary Report Released
Update: 2010 Decennial Census Records Schedule
The process to schedule the records of the 2010 census has reached an initial milestone. The Census Bureau has submitted a schedule providing for disposition of 2010 decennial census records for NARA approval. NARA’s initial review indicates that the proposed schedule meets the concerns of genealogists and other users of decennial census records for research … Continue reading Update: 2010 Decennial Census Records Schedule
Welcome Back!
As you can see, we've redesigned the RACO 2009 blog a bit. Now, under the name of Records Express, we will use this blog to discuss all things related to Federal records management and the National Archives and Records Administration. This includes everything from talking about new ERM policy and guidance to soliciting advice and … Continue reading Welcome Back!